Tuesday, 3 August 2010


The four languages the humans use are called Ümyprüzh, Glàmzöô, Özvemwór and Túdh. Each of these are spoken on the islands Ümyprimt, Glàmz, Özvèmwò and Túdhremt respectively. Unlike many other languages, these languages have words which gives you clear instructions on how say it using universal rules are consistent throughout the language. This practice has been going on for thousands of years and it is taught in every school, it also allows for different accents so the spelling would be different for a word in on part of a country if they say it differently. The first writing was done by rich ladies as they were cleverest type of people and they had the most freetime (females didn't do much back then apart from ordering males about). These groups of ladies then taught all the young girls how to read and write, this much easier than learning read and write English because these were a lot simpler and with far less exceptions. A few hundred years later all females could read and write and early literature was being made and other subjects were taught like maths and science. Civilisation grew and was able to be organised on bigger scale because things could be recorded like the law and history. However the only way on writing was using chalk on a black board or carving letters into stone if the writing needs to be preserved. Then someone called Ì-vlor Žèyùs (female) discovered that you can use an inked quill to write the dried pulp of a tree. This was a breakthrough, now books could be made with written paper in them that could last hundreds of years and post could be sent out. Women who were masters of writing could now become scribes or write novels and get paid a high salary. The teaching of literacy to boys wasn't done until a few hundred years ago because the work that males had to do was hard labour which didn't need for them to be taught.

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